And, before we go any farther, as your healthcare partners we strongly advise you NOT to!
As patients, sometimes we don’t like admit to what we do, or don’t tell the whole truth when asked questions about our health. A lot of this information can be embarrassing, so we “fudge it” a bit, or just outright lie.
No harm in a little white lie, right?
Wrong. Possibly even “dead wrong!”
Common subjects patients lie to physicians about often revolve around:
- Diet and exercise
- Sexual history
- Alcohol and tobacco consumption
- Use of medicines, both over-the counter and prescription
- Illegal drug use
Here are three major reasons why you should never lie to your doctor:
It’s dangerous: As in very dangerous. Not telling your doctor the truth could lead to misdiagnosis. Your doc might prescribe a medication that may have a serious interaction with something you didn’t tell him or her, or lied about. For example: you lied about not drinking alcohol and you are given a prescription for strong pain medication. This could add up to big trouble for you! Maybe even an overdose. Your doctor needs to know the facts to prevent you from being harmed.
It’s a waste of your money: As stated above, lying or omitting facts about your health can be dangerous, but it can also lead to a lot of misguided treatment. An ineffective medication or treatment is a waste of your time and money. Without knowing the whole picture, a doctor might under treat a condition, meaning you’ll be returning with the same problem soon, and it will probably be even worse this time. More lost work, more lost insurance benefits, and more lost deductibles.
The truth probably isn’t embarrassing: Do you think this is the first time your doctor has heard this? Do you think your doctor will judge you? The answer to both questions is “no.” Your physician is a trained professional whose goal is to heal you. Your doctor needs as much accurate information about your condition as you can provide. Bite your lip and spill the beans. Your doctor will thank you for being honest and he or she will be better equipped to put you on a path of wellness.
Our Brigham City doctors do their very best to accurately diagnose and treat you, but that means no more of those little white lies!